Filipa M.B. Lã (Ph.D.)
Lab Director
Senior researcher and teacher at the Department of Didactics, School Organization and Special Didactics of the Faculty of Education at the National Distance Education University (UNED), Madrid, Spain. A voice scientist, singer and teacher of singing, she holds a Diploma in Education (Biology) by the University of Coimbra, in Portugal, and a Master and Ph.D. in Music (singing), both granted by the University of Sheffield, U.K.. Her research interests cover an interdisciplinary perspective to Social Sciences and to Arts and Humanities. Research topics include voice-related gender studies and health education, focusing on professional voice users and performing professions, namely actors and musicians.

Nuria Polo (Ph.D.)
Associate professor at the Department of Spanish Language and General Linguistics, of the Faculty of Philology at the National Distance Education University (UNED), Madrid, Spain. She is the responsible for Theoretical Linguistic. Her research includes Phonetics and Phonology of Spanish, the Acquisition of Phonology of Spanish, Voice Studies from a gender perspective. Author of Teoría y Práctica de la Fonología by Editorial Síntesis. Diploma in Hispanic Philology (Universidad de Deusto), General Linguistics (UAM), Master in Phonetics and Phonology, specialty Vocal Science (CSIC-UIMP) and Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics (UCM, extraordinary prize and European doctor).
Pluvio Coronado (Ph.D. MD.)
Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid. Academic Correspondent of the Royal National Academy of Medicine since 2003. Doctor by the Complutense University with honors. With a master in Health Management and Healthcare Companies is a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology via MIR and Section Head and Coordinator of the Gynecological Oncology Unit and Inferior Genital Tact of the Women’s Health Institute José Botella Llusiá from the San Carlos Clinic Hospital in Madrid. He currently holds the position of Secretary of the Management Board of the Spanish Association for the Study of Menopause (AEEM), is the voice of the Management Board of the HPV Association -Madrid and the Treasurer of the Gynecological Oncology Section of SEGO. He is screening coordinator of the Cervix Cancer of the Community of Madrid. As a researcher, in addition to participating in this project, he directs 3 research groups – IdISSC Women’s Health Group, Research Group on Menopause Research the AEEM (REIM), and Group on endometrial cancer in the Spanish research group SPAIN-GOG.

Mauro Barro Fiuza
Predoctoral student
Pre doctoral student at the Faculty of Education of the National Distance Education University (UNED), in Spain, research assistant at the UNED VoiceLab and teacher of singing. Graduated in Music Education and Master in Speech Language Pathology in Brazil. Research topics include singing voice production and teaching, intentional vocal distortions produced by singers, technology and real-time feedback for learning-teaching singing